Even though you spend months ahead planning for your wedding day, everything can still hectic as you try to cram everything into your schedule as the days pass by and your wedding date draws near. Some people are even so caught up in the frenzy that they forget to send out wedding invitations except in the crucial closing weeks. However, with some careful planning ahead, your wedding day can be perfect!
1. Wedding invitations should be sent at least two months before the event. This gives people sufficient time to clear their schedules and begin their hunt for appropriate wedding gifts. However, if you really want to prepare for the smallest of details, then the invitations should go out even much earlier. The invitations themselves should have a note asking guests whether or not they would choose to attend or not (a “save the date” card). This way you can gauge the expected number of persons attending the event. Knowing the estimate gives you a lot of breathing room. It can be rather stressful when you prepared a reception for 200 people when 300 people are expecting dinner.
2. When planning for a wedding, it is always good to prepare in advance. Preparation should also account for allowances. Always have a back-up plan ready in case the rain decides to visit when you planned a sunny garden ceremony. Know local tailors to go to in case the gown or suit has unexpectedly ripped. Also, know where you can get extra dessert in case that item is in demand. Sometimes you might get to use all the extra information, but it will help you immensely in relaxing and focusing on your special day.
3. If you do not want to handle every minute detail, then you should definitely consider looking for and hiring a wedding planner to handle the wedding order of service. A wedding planner would help keep things on track. You should hire only the best when it comes to your wedding plans. This person should be able to visualize and translate your dreams into something tangible. Therefore, interview your married friends and have a bit of research into the market yourself before hiring anyone. Make sure that you interview the wedding planner before entrusting them with the big event.
If you do not trust an outsider or a professional to do the job then entrust the task to a groups of close friends or family. If you decide to go on this route, you would have to either take on an active role yourself or leave one specific person to be in charge. Different people mean different perspectives and opinions so someone needs to mediate. Nevertheless, as long as you plan in advance and make sure that you have ample allowances for errors and mishaps, you will have an excellent wedding order of service and beautiful wedding invitations. It will be organized and ideal.
Libby M. Waters
Libby is a wedding planner and designer as well as an expert in wedding favours, invitations, and table decor. She shares her expertise with readers and clients all over the world and has become a trusted resource for wedding event planning and design.
For more tips and information about wedding invitations and wedding order of service, please visit her online.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - 3 Ways to Have an Amazing Wedding Day
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