Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

How to Get Lover Back After a Bad Break Up!

You have just gone through a bad break up with your lover and you are still in love with them. This may be your first break up or one of many you have had in your life, but this one is the worst. You don't want to move on to another relationship, you want to know how to get lover back.

You may think your situation is hopeless, but the good news is that around 90% of all relationship breakups can be saved. The bad news is that your relationship with your ex lover will not repair itself.

It will take a lot of effort from you and you will also need a good plan. I will tell you later about a proven plan that works somewhat like magic to get your lover back. It is called onclick="javascript:pageTracker._trackPageview('/outgoing/article_exit_link');" href="http://www.ways-to-get-ex-back.com/" target="_blank" title="Learn More About ">"The Magic Love Recipe" and I will tell you more about this plan at the bottom of this article.

First, I will give you three simple tips on how to get lover back that you can use until you get a plan.

1. Reason For Break Up.

You should try to understand what were the reasons for the break up. You need to make sure you are able to move past the reasons and any unresolved issues.

Whatever the problems were you need to find out how to either accept or deal with the problems or find out how it can be fixed. In "The Magic Love Recipe" is a unique strategy called 'The Clean Slate Method'. By using the combination of the "Clean Slate Method" and "breaking the pattern" you can quickly and easily take away the hurtful things you both said to each other and work on the reasons for the break up.

2. Placing Blame.

Blaming your ex lover is another thing a lot of people do and they try to make their ex feel guilty. Why would a person ever want to be around you if you are trying to make them feel guilty?

It doesn't matter how the break up happened. If you want to get your lover back you can't worry about whose fault it was. You are trying to get ex lover back not get even with them. Be nice.

3. Get A Plan Now!

If you really want to get back together with your ex lover, you're going to need a comprehensive plan. You need a plan that has proven strategies that has worked for couples like you. It's a lot easier to get your lover back when you have a plan.

Ask yourself a simple question: Do you want your lover back?

If the answer is "yes", you need to discover real strategies so you can get them back. Where can you find the proven strategies on how to get lover back?

There is help! I have mentioned a couple of times the proven plan that works a little like magic to get a lover back, "The Magic Love Recipe". This great plan is in the excellent e-book titled "The Magic of Making Up".

The unconventional strategies in "The Magic Love Recipe" have helped over 6,000 people to get back together in happy relationships. This could be the of the best ways to get ex back for you.

I hope this article has been helpful and it will encourage you to get a plan on how to get lover back. Whether you get "The Magic Love Recipe" plan or another one, YOU NEED A PLAN!

Remember if you want to get your lover back, determine the reasons for the break up, don't place blame, be positive, but most of all, do get a proven plan on how to get lover back!


About the Author:

If you are really want to know how to get lover back now is the time to take action. You can get the proven plan for ways to get ex back that will help you to get back into a happier relationship than before!

Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - How to Get Lover Back After a Bad Break Up!

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